miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2019

A person or company involved in wholesale trade, especially one dealing with foreign countries or supplying goods to a particular trade
Resultado de imagen para comerciante

 any of a genus  of spring-flowering spiny shrubs or small trees of the rose family with glossy and often lobed leaves, white or pink fragrant flowers, and small red fruits.
Resultado de imagen para hawthorn

The parts he dislike he would alter and the parts he didn´t dislike he´d leave
Resultado de imagen para leaves

A pair of corduroy trousers in livid crimson, they were horrid to behold
Resultado de imagen para crimson

A fine, strong, soft lustrous fibre produced by silkworms in making cocoons and collected to make thread and fabric.
Resultado de imagen para silk

Not feeling or showing gratitude
Resultado de imagen para ungrateful

Nephew -sobrino
A son of one´s brother or sister, or of one´s brother-in-law
Resultado de imagen para nephew

A small migratory thrush with drab brownish plumage, noted for its rich melodious song which can often be heard at night
Resultado de imagen para Nightingale

A person who is estudying at a university or other place of higher education
Resultado de imagen para Student

A two-wheeled vehicle drawn by horses, used in ancient racing and warfare
Resultado de imagen para chariot

jueves, 4 de julio de 2019

Oscar Wilde.


1.Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde was a writer, poet and dramatist of Irish origin, and Wilde is considered one of the most prominent playwrights of late Victorian London; In addition, he was a celebrity of the time due to his great and sharp wit.


jueves, 25 de abril de 2019

Activity 3.

Answer these questions about this poem.
1: Who wrote this poem?
Gabriela mistral wrote this poem
2: What is the name of the poem?
The name of The poem is Tiny feet
3: What is the tone of the poem at the beginning, sad or happy? How do you know?
It's Sad because ir talks about The suffering of young children.
4: Is the child of the poem poor or rich? How do you know?
He is a poor child because the poem talks about the precarious conditions in which he lives.
C:Translate the poem into Spanish. Include one image

 Piececitos de niño, Azulosos de frios, ¡como os ven y no os cubren, Dios mio!
¡Piececitos heridos por los guijarros todos, ultrajados de nieves y lodos!
El hombre ciego ignora que por donde pasais, una flor de luz viva dejais;
Que alli donde poneis la plantita sangrante, el nardo nace mas fragante.
Sed, puesto que marchais por los caminos rectos, heroicos como sois perfectos.
Piececitos de niño, dos joyitas sufrientes, ¡como pasan sin veros las gentes!

jueves, 11 de abril de 2019

Activity 2:

persevering, humble, supportive, focused
son of wonderful parents
who loves family, pets and football
who fears the loss of his family and that of his pet
who wants to see his grandmother again, jesus is wonderful and gives you peace of mind in difficult times
resident of a world of envy
Reyes Kings

Activity 1: Who are these writers?

Resultado de imagen para famous writers                                  
          Edgar Allan Poe

Imagen relacionada
        William Shakespeare

Imagen relacionada
                   Jk Rowling

Imagen relacionada
                           Pablo Neruda

Imagen relacionada
                Gabriela Mistral

Resultado de imagen para gabriel garcia marquez
        Gabriel García Márquez

Imagen relacionada
             Isabel Allende

Imagen relacionada
             Maya Angelou

lunes, 18 de junio de 2018

Reasons to be thankful

I am grateful to have music in my life because it helps me feel better when I am discouraged.
Resultado de imagen para la musica y las personas tristes

I am grateful to have music in my life because it helps me to relax in difficult moments.
Resultado de imagen para musica momentos dificiles

I am grateful to have music in my life because it helps me to always be happy with my surroundings.

Resultado de imagen para musica y la felicidad